Additional Assignment #1
The educational implications of searches such as Google Squared and WolframAlpha are quite significant. The additional information provided by the Google Squared can be helpful to educators when researching topics for our classes. Google Squared searches can also be helpful for students. The information provided by the Google Squared search is helpful in comparing topics or digging deeper into a subject. I also like the fact that you can add items to the search. WolframAlpha was very interesting as well. The graphs, charts, and additional information provided are very helpful when researching. I had not heard about Google Squared or WolframAlpha before this class.
My comments on the Did You Know video are the same. Yes, there were lots of facts and statistics throughout the video, but my thoughts are still the same. I still think our world is becoming smaller, and students need to be prepared to compete on a global level.
Statistics are easily manipulated, and they can be easily misconstrued. As educators, we must remember to keep our perspective when passing along statistical information to our classes. We also need to help our students understand statistics and make sure that they use this information appropriately.
Food For Thought: I don’t think that anyone can deny what Steve Jobs or Apple has done is genius – they have created demand for products that we didn’t know we needed, and they have made these products so user friendly that a six-year-old can pick it up and use it without instruction.
The idea of having an interface that does not require literacy is one that has been sought after for many years. This is truly an amazing development. SS